Jenny Seagrove in In Like Flynn

1984 saw Jenny Seagrove have a successful year on television. She starred in two miniseries, Diana and A Woman of Substance, and guest starred in an episode of Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense. Her next project would be a pilot movie for a proposed TV series called In Like Flynn.

The concept for In Like Flynn was supposedly suggested by the successful film Romancing the Stone, but I think that some have overstated the connection. The ideas for the two projects only have a superficial similarity. In Romancing the Stone, Kathleen Turner plays an author who lives vicariously through her stories and in actuality is quite shy and unadventurous. In In Like Flynn, Jenny Seagrove plays a woman who poses as the researcher for a reclusive author though secretly she is the author. Jenny Seagrove's character actually seeks danger and excitment, she just needs a cover story in order for her to feel comfortable in her actions.

In Like Flynn premiered on television in the summer of 1985. Even though the project was written and produced by the successful Glen A. Larson, In Like Flynn did not get turned into a weekly series. The movie had subsequent re-airings in the US and UK throughout the rest of the rest 1980s.

On a personal note, I think it is a shame that In Like Flynn did not get picked up. I think that the show would have made a terrific series with a lot of options as to plots and subject matter. Not mention that Jenny Seagrove was at the height of her powers at the time and looked absolutely beautiful in the pilot film. It would have been interesting to see how her career would have changed if she had had a successful American TV show.

Here are some articles about In Like Flynn:

And here a bunch of newspaper clippings featuring brief summaries of In Like Flynn:

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